The song that is heard in this video has been named Solar Plexus Chakra -
Empowerment, and originates from the works of Ben Scott and Christa
Michell. This track can be found on their Tibetan Chakra Meditations
Sounds come from a singing bowl, a spirit catcher, and a human's vocal
chords (deep vowel chanting). A spirit catcher is an interesting
instrument that seems to also be known as a "whirl bow" and a "bull
roar". A spirit catcher consists of a wooden frame supported by two
cross bridges with large elastic bands stretched around them. The wooden
frame is attached to a long strand of string. To create noise, the
device whirled about in circles over one's head. As the wooden frame
quickly passes through the air, drag is created by the elastic bands and
causes them to resonate sound.
The scenes in this video were captured from a variety of locations. They
include: the Alaskan Inside Passage, the surrounding landscapes of the
Great Ocean Road (outside of Melbourne, Australia), the Blue Mountains
(beyond the city limits of Sydney, Australia), and Kakadu National Park
(outside of Jabiru, Australia).